1.2 KiB

Highlight boxes in Hugo


  1. Add the following to the content container (here it is post-content) in your single.html before {{ .Content }}:

    <div class="post-content">
        {{ if .Params.toc }}
        <div class="toc"> 
            <h2>Table Of Contents</h2>
            {{ .Page.TableOfContents }}
        {{ end }}
        {{ .Content }}
  2. Add the default key/value to your archetypes/default.md

    toc: false # Table of Contents disabled by default
  3. Add to your project config file:

             startLevel = 2
             endLevel = 5
             ordered = true


title = "Simple SSH Pipeline with Drone CI"
tags = ["Tutorial", "Drone-CI", "Docker", "Linux"]
summary = "This Step-by-Step Tutorial will show you how to make a SSH Pipeline with Drone CI."
date = "2021-07-30"
lastmod = "2021-11-15"
draft = false
toc = true # Add 'toc' with a value of true

You can also use the shortcode (see in shortcodes subdirectory) to insert a ToC somewhere in a text:

{{< toc >}}


Highlight Boxes in Hugo